Message from our pastor

Foundation Baptist Church is committed to being a place where hurting, fallen, broken people can be made spiritually well and whole. Our heart-felt prayer is that the Lord be pleased to use our thriving ministry to be a channel by which sinners would hear and believe the message of the pure Gospel that many may know its power to deliver from sin and its consequences. This is because we believe, as we have experienced it ourselves, that it remains to be “the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16).
We are resolved to be an instrument where people will hear the “sincere milk of the Word” (I Peter 2:2) carefully expounded and applied to current life-situations so that believers understand their line of duty in order to be restored to usability for God’s purposes. We seek to be obedient to the Great Commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ, and in so doing, plant more local New Testament churches in other parts of the mission field, as He opens doors and enables (Matthew 28:18-20).
Foundation Baptist Church is committed to being a place where hurting, fallen, broken people can be made spiritually well and whole. Our heart-felt prayer is that the Lord be pleased to use our thriving ministry to be a channel by which sinners would hear and believe the message of the pure Gospel that many may know its power to deliver from sin and its consequences. This is because we believe, as we have experienced it ourselves, that it remains to be “the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16).

By the grace of God, because we recognize the priceless treasure of God’s quickening Word amid an ailing and sin-sick society, we seek to heed the scriptural mandate to “earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).
Such ministries and communities are desperately needed in today’s world. The conflicting opinions of the most intelligent, religious but unregenerate “authorities” of our day have plunged our society to further confusion. Declarations of some who profess Christianity but who have not brought every thought (or reasoning, imagination) into captivity to the obedience of Christ (II Corinthians 10:5) have added to the same scenario The moral and spiritual condition of our culture is on the red. This ministry exists to mend the brokenness in our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit working through His Word.
In a world of uncertainties, Foundation Baptist Church is a place where people can come to find anchor for lost souls and meaningful direction for those who are weary in their earthly sojourn to the glory of God. And the Lord Jesus Christ is that Foundation and His Word, the solid Rock. When personally appropriated and applied by faith, they mend and restore broken lives.
Our desire as a church is to provide a place where meaningful relationships with people from all walks of life are built as a result of their growth in their walk with God and in their knowledge of His Word. We hope that you will find Foundation Baptist Church your spiritual haven that really meets what you really need. May the Lord richly bless you as you seek His will!
-Pastor Roberto-Jose M. Livioco
We are resolved to be an instrument where people will hear the “sincere milk of the Word” (I Peter 2:2) carefully expounded and applied to current life-situations so that believers understand their line of duty in order to be restored to usability for God’s purposes.
We seek to be obedient to the Great Commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ, and in so doing, plant more local New Testament churches in other parts of the mission field, as He opens doors and enables (Matthew 28:18-20). By the grace of God, because we recognize the priceless treasure of God’s quickening Word amid an ailing and sin-sick society, we seek to heed the scriptural mandate to “earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).
Such ministries and communities are desperately needed in today’s world. The conflicting opinions of the most intelligent, religious but unregenerate “authorities” of our day have plunged our society to further confusion. Declarations of some who profess Christianity but who have not brought every thought (or reasoning, imagination) into captivity to the obedience of Christ (II Corinthians 10:5) have added to the same scenario The moral and spiritual condition of our culture is on the red. This ministry exists to mend the brokenness in our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit working through His Word.
In a world of uncertainties, Foundation Baptist Church is a place where people can come to find anchor for lost souls and meaningful direction for those who are weary in their earthly sojourn to the glory of God. And the Lord Jesus Christ is that Foundation and His Word, the solid Rock. When personally appropriated and applied by faith, they mend and restore broken lives.
Our desire as a church is to provide a place where meaningful relationships with people from all walks of life are built as a result of their growth in their walk with God and in their knowledge of His Word. We hope that you will find Foundation Baptist Church your spiritual haven that really meets what you really need. May the Lord richly bless you as you seek His will!
-Pastor Roberto-Jose M. Livioco